Our bees work really hard to make all this honey, so we don’t mess around with it. It’s all 100% raw, natural honey straight from the hive (well, pretty much) – we just filter out any bits that shouldn’t be in there and put it in a jar for you to enjoy.
When you buy honey from a supermarket, the chances are that in your jar of honey is actually a mix of lots of different honeys sometimes from many different countries. So what you end up with is quite a generic honey taste. There really is no comparison between shop bought and raw natural honey.
Honey from supermarkets can often be watered down, and have sugar added to them to stop them from crystallising –so you’re not getting to the enjoy real honey taste, or benefit from all it’s healthy goodness.
When you buy raw honey, you get to enjoy the rich, deep flavours of all the different flowers and plants that the bees have visited that season – and each season tends to be slightly different. In fact, you could have two hives next to each other, and the honey from one hive might taste completely different to the honey from the other. It totally depends on where the bees have been foraging.
We only produce our honey in small batches, making sure that we leave plenty for the bees over the winter months. So unfortunately when it’s gone, it’s gone (until next year).
We’d love to team up with other local beekeepers who want to sell their honey – so if you’re interested please get in touch.
We thought we’d do something a bit different for our honey labels, taking inspiration for the design in our experiences as a new beekeepers, and mainly the overwhelming feeling of being covered in bees!
The design mixes a few passions of ours – our love of beekeeping, typography and buying stuff off eBay. We used a beautifully random selection of woodblock letter Bs from our collection to cover the honey labels.
We were able to work with Vicki Munro, a local print-maker to letterpress the different Bs – then we scanned and resized them to better fit the labels.